
Environmental Sustainability

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XXX provides customers with the highest quality products and good service as the top priority, its subsidiary Lianhua Milling Food as the largest flour leading brand in Taiwan, we comply with environmental protection regulations, in line with the international environmental sustainability trend, implement energy-saving and carbon-reduction measures, and plan to build renewable energy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
In the part of enhancing employees’ environmental awareness, through publicity and education, our employees and customers are encouraged to practice various environmental sustainability practices, including planting trees and landscaping in offices and factories, reducing administrative management, and reducing energy and resource consumption, so as to contribute to environmental sustainable development.

The food industry in which XXX operates does not consume a lot of energy and resources in the production process, but we still actively align with and respond to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) and Goal 13 climate action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, respond to the spirit of the Paris Agreement 1.5°C target, and fulfill the carbon reduction responsibility of each factory.
In terms of action, we actively promote the power saving action in office buildings and factories, adjust the equipment to the best energy consumption mode according to the process demand, replace the old IE1 motor with high-efficiency IE3 grade energy-saving motor by replacing the old one, and save energy use through administrative control to improve energy efficiency. In 2015~2021, the average annual electricity saving rate reached 1.45%,超過政府規定的平均年節電率1%. Based on the premise of pursuing sustainable enterprise management, we are committed to the balanced development of energy saving, environment and safety, including:

  • Continuously conserve energy use and promote resource recycling and reuse.
  • Comply with domestic environmental safety laws and regulations to reduce environmental, safety and health risks.
  • Maintain employee health management and safety education advocacy.
  • Environmental safety and health management of suppliers and contractors.

In addition, we also exert our procurement influence to promote the development of local green economy by promoting green and localized procurement, and actively introduce various environmental management systems (including ISO 14064-1 greenhouse gas management system) to reduce the environmental impact of our operations, reduce environmental costs, enhance corporate environmental image, and exert influence to drive the sustainable development of the industry.

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(Unit: RMB)
project Project Help Da Luge real estate Daluge xx
Pollution prevention costs
Investment, maintenance and operation costs of various polluting equipment
Waste disposal fee (removal)

Water management

xxx is a general office building, the use of water resources, mainly for people’s livelihood water needs, and 100% tap water, will not affect any water sources or catchment areas. Nevertheless, UMC and its affiliated factories continue to promote the following water conservation measures to protect precious water resources.

Office side

  1. A water-saving valve was installed on the faucet, the handwashing station was changed to a sensor-type water discharge, and the urinal was flushed with sensor
  2. Regularly check the pressure of the building’s water supply system to ensure that there is no abnormal loss of water sources
  3. The outdoor watering system is equipped with a rainwater sensor to automatically stop watering when it rains, saving water for the building

Production process end

  1. Through the assistance of machinery and equipment, the use of tap water can be effectively reduced and the efficiency of water resources is improved
  2. Weekly inspections of the water supply system and the establishment of a database to monitor the status of the water supply.
  3. In the groundwater management part, the groundwater well has introduced “intelligent water measuring equipment”, replaced with electronic water meters, and directly transmitted the usage data to the cloud to more effectively control the groundwater source and avoid overpumping.

In 2021, the total water consumption of Lianhua Milling Food (Tomioka Plant and Bayberry Factory) was about 44,578 thousand liters; The total water consumption of Lianhua Investment Holdings and Lianhua Real Estate Company (including Fugang Dormitory) is about 47,194 thousand liters. In order to give back to the counties and cities where the operation bases are located and reduce the impact of drought. In 2021, in cooperation with the Taoyuan Municipal Government, it plans to open groundwater wells in the factory area in the event of water shortage, provide people with domestic water and fire water, and fulfill social responsibility.

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Daluge headquarters
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Daluge headquarters
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Water management

Although UMC is not a major energy user, we still actively promote energy-saving actions and carry out carbon reduction actions, hoping to gradually improve energy efficiency and contribute to carbon reduction, starting with the introduction of environmental and energy management systems. Lianhua Milling actively promotes energy-saving actions in the factory, continues to replace existing high-energy-consuming motors, upgrades from IE1 to IE3 high-efficiency motors, and strengthens the maintenance and maintenance of equipment transmission components to reduce motor energy consumption.

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Note: Power saving is the power saving rate of a single device, not absolute power saving; The power-saving area is not controlled by Lianhua Investment and Production, and the area for self-use is purchased.

Water management

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Climate change risk management

The impact of global climate change on the environment will cause biodiversity loss and affect the survival of diverse species, and for the food industry chain, extreme weather and temperature rise may cause major raw material shortages, resulting in a sharp increase in operating costs.
In order to effectively identify, assess and control climate change risks, UMC has promoted the climate governance mechanism year by year in accordance with the four framework requirements in accordance with the guidelines of the “Proposal for Climate-related Financial Disclosure (TCFD)”, and is committed to reducing carbon emissions by introducing ISO 14064-1 greenhouse gas management system and promoting energy-saving measures, and will follow the TCFD framework to present the management, strategy and implementation results of climate issues in the report and communicate with stakeholders.

Architecture project Help

Climate change risk management

The impact of global climate change on the environment will cause biodiversity loss and affect the survival of diverse species, and for the food industry chain, extreme weather and temperature rise may cause major raw material shortages, resulting in a sharp increase in operating costs.
In order to effectively identify, assess and control climate change risks, UMC has promoted the climate governance mechanism year by year in accordance with the four framework requirements in accordance with the guidelines of the “Proposal for Climate-related Financial Disclosure (TCFD)”, and is committed to reducing carbon emissions by introducing ISO 14064-1 greenhouse gas management system and promoting energy-saving measures, and will follow the TCFD framework to present the management, strategy and implementation results of climate issues in the report and communicate with stakeholders.

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Taipei headquarters

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Taipei headquarters

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Concentrate: 1. UMC Investment Control/Property Energy Usage Statistics, including the energy usage of Tomioka Dormitory. 2. Lianhua milling energy usage statistics, including the energy usage of bayberry plant.

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Although UMC is not a major energy user, we still actively promote energy-saving actions and carry out carbon reduction actions, hoping to gradually improve energy efficiency and contribute to carbon reduction, starting with the introduction of environmental and energy management systems. Lianhua Milling actively promotes energy-saving actions in the factory, continues to replace existing high-energy-consuming motors, upgrades from IE1 to IE3 high-efficiency motors, and strengthens the maintenance and maintenance of equipment transmission components to reduce motor energy consumption.

Taipei headquarters

category 202x 202x 202x
Concentrate: 1. UMC Investment Control/Property Energy Usage Statistics, including the energy usage of Tomioka Dormitory. 2. Lianhua milling energy usage statistics, including the energy usage of bayberry plant.

Taipei headquarters

category 202x 202x 202x
Concentrate: 1. UMC Investment Control/Property Energy Usage Statistics, including the energy usage of Tomioka Dormitory. 2. Lianhua milling energy usage statistics, including the energy usage of bayberry plant.

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project Help Emissions
Concentrate: 1. UMC Investment Control/Property Energy Usage Statistics, including the energy usage of Tomioka Dormitory. 2. Lianhua milling energy usage statistics, including the energy usage of bayberry plant.

In order to reduce waste generation and promote the reuse of available resources, UMC takes environmental friendliness as the main axis, and practices green procurement of equipment and office administrative supplies, in addition to the equipment and semi-finished products that must be used to ensure product quality, we try our best to purchase environmentally friendly products, such as products that have obtained relevant environmental label certification in China and the world, so as to reduce the impact of product manufacturing and enterprise operations on the environment.

Electronically administered, reducing paper consumption

In order to reduce the amount of paper used and improve administrative efficiency, UMC implemented an electronic operating system, continued to digitize the receipt and delivery of electronic documents, electronic forms, and price comparison lists, and saved 31,623 sheets of paper in 2021.
In the office part, we adopted a multi-functional office machine (certification number: ring mark No. 13859) that has obtained the Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection Mark of the Energy Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, and made good use of the function of the transaction machine, and reduced the use of paper through the following measures.

  1. Standby energy saving is enabled after work, and external faxes are received electronically instead of printed directly
  2. Advocate double-sided printing or multi-page printing in a single sheet, and encourage employees to make good use of recycled paper blank sides for reuse
  3. Documents are not actively printed and other management mechanisms to avoid repeated waste caused by misprinting
  4. Order return is also electronically sent back by digital signature as much as possible
  5. Internal documents between the company and the factory or related enterprises, unified aggregation and transmission, and reuse of briefcases
  6. Transportation by means of transportation to reduce the use of new envelopes and reduce the waste of resources caused by repeated delivery of the same address
  7. The photocopy paper is made of PEFC environmental certification 100% renewable agroforestry pulp
  8. The inner pages of the business diaries printed during the reporting year were printed with soy ink and environmentally certified paper, making a contribution to environmental protection

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Waste management

The impact of global climate change on the environment will cause biodiversity loss and affect the survival of diverse species, and for the food industry chain, extreme weather and temperature rise may cause major raw material shortages, resulting in a sharp increase in operating costs.
In order to effectively identify, assess and control climate change risks, UMC has promoted the climate governance mechanism year by year in accordance with the four framework requirements in accordance with the guidelines of the “Proposal for Climate-related Financial Disclosure (TCFD)”, and is committed to reducing carbon emissions by introducing ISO 14064-1 greenhouse gas management system and promoting energy-saving measures, and will follow the TCFD framework to present the management, strategy and implementation results of climate issues in the report and communicate with stakeholders.

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Taipei headquarters

classify Processing 202x 202x

Taipei headquarters

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Concentrate: 1. UMC Investment Control/Property Energy Usage Statistics, including the energy usage of Tomioka Dormitory. 2. Lianhua milling energy usage statistics, including the energy usage of bayberry plant.

Waste management

Although UMC is not a major energy user, we still actively promote energy-saving actions and carry out carbon reduction actions, hoping to gradually improve energy efficiency and contribute to carbon reduction, starting with the introduction of environmental and energy management systems. Lianhua Milling actively promotes energy-saving actions in the factory, continues to replace existing high-energy-consuming motors, upgrades from IE1 to IE3 high-efficiency motors, and strengthens the maintenance and maintenance of equipment transmission components to reduce motor energy consumption.

Stakeholder Contact

Head of Corporate Governance / Legal Manager
Will Chen

Phone: 04-36118888#3522