Sustainable management

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The company complies with environmental protection laws and regulations, in line with the international trend of environmental sustainability, implements energy conservation and carbon reduction measures, and plans to build renewable energy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

In the area of enhancing employees’ environmental awareness, through publicity and education, our employees and customers are encouraged to practice various environmental sustainability practices, including planting trees and landscaping in offices and factories, reducing administrative management, and reducing energy and resource consumption, so as to contribute to environmental sustainable development.

Members of Board

The Board of Directors of the Company is loyal, prudent and attentive to the interests of the Company, and shall exercise due diligence in material matters, while ensuring the appropriateness of the Company’s accounting system and financial reporting, and avoiding any situation in which the Board of Directors may harm the Company’s conduct or conflict of interest with shareholders.

The board of directors carefully selects and supervises the management level, makes objective judgments on the company’s affairs, and selects suitable internal audit supervisors.

List of the 23rd Board of Directors

There are 10 directors in total, and the term of office is from July 29, 2021 to July 28, 2024.
There is one female director among the board members, and each director has professional background and skills including financial accounting, chemical engineering, business management, etc., and all have leadership and decision-making ability and relevant industry knowledge experience.

risk type Risk project Responsible unit Risk Management Policy (Risk Management Policy or Strategy)

List of the 23rd Board of Directors